Around the time of Tupac Shakur's death (specifically before he died), he was said to have secretly gone into depression. During this period of time, he also was recording for a new album due to his contract with Death Row Records saying so. During the production of this album, he had very fucked up songs recorded. On September 13th, 1996, Tupac had died in a drive-by shooting. He was never able to complete the album.
This album can be found on a torrent in which only a few people have heard it. The first song on the album sounds like a bunch of chanting like this was recorded at some cult. The next song sounded like one of Tupac's hits "Dear Mama" except he talked about how much he hated his mother and how he wishes she had gotten an abortion to keep him off of this gay earth. The third song was a song played in reverse where certain words like "die", "sacrifice" and "obey" were heard.
The fourth one is just audio of Tupac getting into an argument with the pizza delivery guy.
Tupac: Nigga why do I gotta pay $6.66 dollars for some mark ass pizza.
Out of anger, he shot the man. The fifth was audio of Tupac sacrificing the pizza delivery guy to the Illuminati. The next was just a strange video of a man who was walking into a familiar looking house. The cameraman was coming home on his anniversary to only see his wife getting buttfucked by Tupac. He got into a heated argument with his wife before Tupac shot him and ran off into his car. Than Tupac got shot by what looked like EVIL PATRIXXX SHOT HIM AND DROVE OFFFFFFFFFFF.
It is said by the few people who listened to this album that in the last ten seconds of the video that you could distinctly hear the Spiderman theme song in the distance after Tupac got shot. But hey that's just a theory, A GAY THEORY.